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Heinz-Menaker Senior Center

Owner: Les Ford
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Business: Senior Citizen Center
Purpose of Loan: Property Repairs
Impact: Food Access

The Heinz-Menaker Senior Center is the oldest senior center in the Harrisburg metropolitan area. Located in midtown, the Center provides seniors with a variety of health, social, recreational, nutritional, and educational activities. On any given day you will find senior citizens taking Tai Chi or line dancing classes, playing cards, or just enjoying quiet conversation with friends. The Center also provides daily hot meals, hosts one of the most active food banks in the Harrisburg area, and operates the Meals on Wheels Program.

The Center receives its funding through the Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging which covers 70% of daily operating costs. Additional revenue is raised through donations, fundraisers and rental of the center for special events. When an urgent need arose, Finanta made a bridge loan to the Heinz-Menaker Center to replace their aging roof and air conditioning system, allowing the Center to stay open.

The Heinz-Menaker Senior Center continues to serve as the social hub for many African American seniors and provides services to over 300 low income seniors annually.